Thalapathy Vijay’s first Tamil-Telugu bilingual first look has been unveiled by the team with the hero’s birthday tomorrow. Making the buzz true, the film is titled ‘Varasudu’ and seated in a commanding position, Vijay is spotted in a black suit oozing out all style.
‘The Boss Returns’ is written on the poster that suggests it is an intriguing family drama. Vamshi Paidipally is directing ‘Varasudu’ and in Tamil, the film is titled ‘Varisu.’
Rashmika Mandanna will be seen alongside Vijay in this film which has wrapped up a couple of schedules of shooting so far.
The poster has also an update about the film’s release and ‘Varasudu’ will be arriving at the box office for Pongal/Sankranthi 2023. This makes it the first biggie to block the festival slot.
‘Dil’ Raju and Shirish’s Sri Venkateswara Creations, in association with PVP Cinema is producing the movie and it’s a Thaman’s musical.
Tags Varasudu First Look